Walking Connection

Jun 15, 20122 min

10 Minutes Counts!

Updated: Jan 8

Journey 30 is a Self-paced 30-Day Walk Training Program, and the path starts right at your doorstep. Beginner | Advanced | Walking Athlete | Para-Athlete It's Free!

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Not having a consecutive half hour is no longer a reason not to get up and get moving! If you only have 10 minutes, use it to your advantage. It will all add up to a healthier you!

Stanford University took a group of people and divided them into two groups. Half exercised for 30 consecutive minutes, the other half exercised in 10-minute intervals – once in the morning, afternoon, and evening. At the end of the study, both groups increased their fitness levels at the same amount and at the same pace!

While “The Magic Fitness Formula” is a very good goal to strive for, if you limit yourself to only using this formula, you could be setting yourself up for failure. It is too easy to convince yourself that you don’t have a half-an-hour right now, so you can exercise later. Many times, “Later” never comes.

(“Magic Fitness Formula.” For years, the experts have told us that in order for your exercise program to be successful, you have to work out at 60% – 80% of your maximum heart rate, for 20 – 30 minutes each session, at least 3 – 4 times each week.)

Time is one of our most precious commodities. Here are a few ideas on how you can find the time for YOU!

  • Instead of a coffee break, take a walking break.

  • Take a walk while your clothes are in the dryer.

  • Set your alarm for 20-30 minutes earlier in the morning.

  • Go for a walk while waiting for a table at a restaurant.

  • Walk in the airport while traveling.

  • Going shopping?… take a lap or two around the mall before going into stores.

  • When waiting for your tee time, warm up by walking.

  • Golf at a course that allows you to walk.

  • Park at the outside of every lot you park in.

  • Walk to the corner store.

  • When waiting for your kids’ lessons or at practice – walk!


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Journey 30 is a NEW Self-paced 30-Day Walk Training Program and the path starts right at your doorstep. Beginner | Advanced | Walking Athlete | Para-Athlete It's Free!

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(1) [Adapted from R.F. Debusk, et al., “Training Effects of Long Versus Short Bouts of Exercise in Healthy Subjects.” American Journal of Cardiology, 1990, 65:1010-1013.]

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